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('Error while observing font', err);
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if('querySelector' in ment) mentE sName += ' enhanced';
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function(err) {
('Error while observing font', err);
} else {
mentE sL ('fonts-loaded');
}(window, document));
if('querySelector' in ment) mentE sName += ' enhanced';
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Then(function() {
mentE sL ('fonts-loaded');
function(err) {
('Error while observing font', err);
} else {
mentE sL ('fonts-loaded');
}(window, document));
if('querySelector' in ment) mentE sName += ' enhanced';
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function(err) {
('Error while observing font', err);
} else {
mentE sL ('fonts-loaded');
}(window, document));
if('querySelector' in ment) mentE sName += ' enhanced';
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